Stopping and starting Attuneā„¢ Monitoring Agents

Attune Monitoring Agents are very small programs that run in the background on your computer. These Agents are responsible for watching how you use your computer and alerting you in advance to situations that are known to cause problems.

Caution! Although Attune enables you to selectively stop and start the Monitoring Agents, we strongly recommend that you do not do this. Why? Disabling any of the Attune Agents reduces your chances of being notified about a potential problem before you experience it.

To stop or start the Attune Monitoring Agents:

  1. On your screen, locate and click the Start button on the taskbar.

  2. Point to Programs, then Aveo, then choose Attune.

  3. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

  4. Click the Configuration tab.

  5. Click the Turn Attune OFF option.

  6. When prompted to Turn Attune Off, select Adjust resource usage by disabling Attune Monitoring Agents.

  7. Click OK to display the Customize Attune Monitoring Agents dialog box.

  8. Select the Agents that you want to turn on or off. You will be asked to confirm each Agent that you want to turn off.

    Note: A check mark means that an Agent is currently active. Also, you cannot turn off locked Agents.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.

  11. In the Attune window, from the File menu, choose Exit.

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